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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Common Problems with Home Insulation

insulation-in-an-atticHeating and cooling your home comes at a price. Now, our summer season is obviously a bit more intense than the winter weather is around these parts. No matter how much you are running any given HVAC system, you don’t want to be paying more than you should have to in order to heat or cool your home effectively. That is why you are diligent in scheduling routine heating and air conditioning maintenance, right?

Well, it is important to note that all issues with inefficiency and discomfort are the direct result of problems with your HVAC systems themselves. They could be working just fine, but are fighting an uphill battle due to subpar insulation. If you have any reason to suspect problems with your insulation in Newberry, SC, dial our number right away.

Why Poor Insulation Is a Big Deal

Before we get into the reasons why your insulation may come up short, we want to discuss why problems with your insulation are so serious to begin with. First of all, your insulation plays a major role in keeping your HVAC systems working efficiently. The sole purpose of insulation is to prevent unwanted heat transfer into or out of your home. If you don’t have enough insulation in place, or this insulation is compromised, then this simply will not be possible.

Now, paying too much too much to keep your home comfortable throughout the year is extremely frustrating. However, paying too much to live in reduced comfort is even more so! If your insulation is not performing in the way it ought to, then you may wind up doing just this. Uneven heating and cooling is a major concern when the insulation in your home is not up to the task.

Consider, too, the toll that this type of problem can take on your heating and air conditioning systems. The worse off your insulation is, the harder your HVAC systems are going to have to work in order to keep your home comfortable. This level of wear and tear can really put your systems at risk.

What Makes Insulation Ineffective?

There are a lot of different reasons as to why your insulation may fail to pull its weight. Sometimes, the problem has to do with the type of insulation used or the way it was installed. Other times, a toll has just been taken on the insulation. In any case, it is important to have trained professionals assess and resolve the problem.

  1. Insufficient Insulation. If you have blown-in insulation in your home, you need to know that there is a sufficient amount of insulation in this place. Rigid foam board insulation will give a clear indicator of that board’s R-value, which denotes its level of heat transfer resistance. Other types of insulation add up depending upon the amount used, though, and your technician needs to ensure that amount is sufficient.
  2. Gaps in Insulation. It is possible for natural points of ventilation, like soffit vents, to allow enough airflow into a space to move blown-in insulation around. When this happens, the gaps can allow for too much heat transfer. Alternatively, failure to install rigid or batt insulation carefully, and eliminating any gaps between products, can have the same effect.
  3. DegradationIf your energy efficiency and comfort issues are new developments, it is certainly possible that your insulation has just degraded over time. Moisture can have a degrading effect, as can issues with pests and rodents. Old insulation may need to be removed and replaced to get everything back on track.

Schedule your insulation services with Fulmer Heating & Cooling.

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