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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Why a Heat Pump Could Be a Great Match For Your Home


You are on the hunt for a good Columbia, SC HVAC system so now is the right time to learn more about what a heat pump mini split system can offer you.

You can think of a heat pump as something like an “all-in-one” comfort system. We’ll get into that more below. For now, we want to say that a heat pump can be a great match for any home as long as it is installed professionally.

The team at Fulmer Heating & Cooling can provide that professional installation when you need it. We can also tell you everything you need to know about heat pumps so you feel more confident about your choice.

Let’s learn a bit more about what sets heat pumps apart…and what may make one a great match for your home comfort needs.

The Set-Up

Central air conditioners have what is known as a “split system” set-up with an indoor evaporator unit and outdoor condensor unit. Heat pumps offer something similar but with a few changes.

Heat pumps are known as “mini split” systems. This is because the system’s unit are smaller than that of a central AC system. What’s more, the heat pump’s indoor unit comes in the form of an air handler that can be mounted up on a wall, allowing it to take up even less space.

The Savings

Heat pumps don’t just look different. They also operate a bit differently too. These systems can help you save quite a bit in more than one way.

  • Saved space: A more compact set-up and a wall-mounted air handler make for a lot more square footage being freed up. What’s more, this system can provide heating and cooling so you’ll save even more space by replacing two comfort systems with just one.
  • Saved energy: Heat pumps are able to operate in a highly efficient manner, meaning they use less energy than many of their counterparts. This is especially noticable in winter as heat pumps create heat without the need to burn fuel.
  • Saved money: Less energy used to keep your home comfortable is going to translate to lower energy bills and less money being spent.

The Usability

You likely picked up on this by now but the year-round functionality of a heat pump is something that deserves to be well highlighted.

Heat pumps can reverse their refrigerant flow. This means that during the summer, this system moves heat out of them home and, then, in the winter, it can move heat back inside the house. This unique ability allows a heat pump to serve as both your air conditioner and heater which really improves the savings that it can offer you.

If a heat pump sounds like exactly what you are hoping to have in your home, then it is time to reach out to us for an installation. Only a trained technician can properly install a heat pump. Working with one of our technicians ensures the job is done right and your system will keep you comfortable for years to come.

Contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling to get your appointment set up.

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