Fall has fallen away and winter is in full swing. Can you hear those silver bells yet? Or, wait, is that just a strange noise coming from your heater?
Uh-oh, you might be in need of heating repair in Irmo, SC. Not to worry though, because if you are in need of repairs, the team at Fulmer Heating & Cooling has you covered.
Of course, even with our top-tier repair services, we can’t exactly make the process of fixing your heat absolutely perfect. Why? Because we can’t control the weather, which can make finding a time when you are okay having it off for an extended period … tricky.
Repairing your heater in winter is possible, but we want you to know the pros and cons of this situation, along with how to avoid it altogether.
The Pros of Wintertime Repairs
So what is good about getting your repairs done in winter? Let us tell you:
- No more worry: One your repairs are taken care of you shouldn’t have to worry about getting more repairs done until next heating season.
- There is an immediate difference: You won’t have to test out your heater by a few mere degrees. Instead you can set your heater to the ideal temperature and feel the difference quickly once it is working again.
- No more noises or high bills: Once you get those repairs done, you won’t have to worry about loud noises, high energy bills or low energy efficiency again for several months.
The Cons
As you can expect, there are some cons to scheduling repairs in winter such as:
- It might get cold: If your heater needs to be repaired, you will have to bear through the cooler temperatures until your system is fixed properly.
- Your heater will need to be off during the repairs: Diagnosis and repair does take a little time and your heater will need to be off during that service appointment. This means even if it was producing heat before, you’ll have to go without until your system is repaired.
- There might be a wait: Unfortunately, wintertime tends to be the time of year when a lot of people realize their heaters are struggling. This means a lot of calls for professional service, which might create a bit of a delay before a technician can reach you. (Rest assured though that we always do our best to provide service in a timely manner.)
Avoid the Drawbacks
So how do you avoid the cons of wintertime repairs but reap all the benefits? Schedule your repairs early on days that aren’t so chilly and make sure you set up regular maintenance appointments to catch repair needs early on next year. This will reduce the risk that your heater will be on the fritz when you need it the most.
Schedule Your Repairs Today
Are you in need of heater services? If so, you can contact the professionals at Fulmer Heating & Cooling to set up an appointment. When you contact us you get the benefit of a visit from a certified professional HVAC technician who is experienced and trained to address your heating troubles.
Don’t shiver the winter away. Contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling to optimize your home comfort today.