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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Why You Need a Pro For Your AC Install


Things are already heating up and you need a working air conditioner in your home. The sooner you get this system up and running the better! Time to find a good online tutorial and…

Let’s stop you there. There are plenty of DIY projects that you can do in your home but an air conditioning installation in Columbia, SC (or anywhere else) is NOT one of them. AC installations are a task that should always be left to professionals.

Yes, having a professional technician install your air conditioner is costly but it is also cost-effective. Let’s look at the many reasons why a professional system installation is well worth every penny.

The job gets done in a timely manner

Working with an amateur or trying to do the job yourself is going to take a lot of extra time. You need to make sure your have the right information on the right system, figure out what you’re doing with the previous AC, try to size and connect the new system properly and so on.

If you don’t have the training needed to do this before you start, that is a lot of time added to the process. In contrast, a professional comes in knowing exactly what to do and how to do it so they can get the installation done promptly.

You are more likely to get helpful system rebates

Warranties aren’t the only things that come with a professional installation. So do rebates! Rebates involve receiving money back on a system purchase (great news when you are investing in something as high-priced as a new AC). Like warranties though, you have to meet certain standards to qualify for a rebate. A professional installation can help you find and qualify for the best rebate possible.

Warranties remain valid

We touched on warranties briefly above but they are important enough to discuss individually. A warranty covers your AC system’s care needs for a certain amount of time, helping to minimize or even negate the cost of repairs or maintenance needs. The thing is, most warranties only remain valid if you have professional service, starting with a professional installation.

Your technician knows exactly how to size your new system

Lastly, when you work with a professional technician, they are going to understand exactly how to size your new AC as well. This isn’t a simple equation! It has to account for the SEER and EER ratings of your system along with things like the number of floors, doors, and windows in your home. Getting the sizing of your system wrong can undermine your comfort and lead your new system to an early replacement so make sure to work with a professional so that the math gets done right.

Need a Pro? Come to Us!

It is pretty clear that you are better off working with a professional technician getting your next system installed. The job will be done effectively, correctly, and in a timely manner when you have a trained technician do it. What’s more, you’ll have better peace of mind throughout the entire process too!

Schedule your next AC installation with the team at Fulmer Heating & Cooling so you can enjoy a cool home this summer.

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