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5 Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips for Earth Day


Earth Day is here and it’s a great time to think about ways to be more eco-conscious. For homeowners, taking a few minutes to reflect on ways you can be more environmentally friendly has many benefits. Making small changes to your habits is good for both your home and the environment and will also result in saving money. 

When it comes to being more eco-conscious, thinking of ways you can conserve water is an important one. Fresh water may seem like an unlimited resource but that’s not necessarily true. It always pays to try and reduce your water usage as much as possible. Here are some easy ways you can reduce water consumption in your home to enjoy lower water bills.

1. Never Use Drain-Cleaning Chemicals

You may be tempted to try and quickly fix a slow or clogged drain with these chemicals from the hardware store. However, we don’t recommend them. They don’t work and they can damage your pipes, not to mention the detrimental effect they have on the planet. If you have a slow drain or one that’s completely clogged, call a professional plumber in Batesburg, SC to clear away that stubborn clog instead of pouring damaging chemicals into your drains.

2. Get an Insulation Blanket For Your Water Heater

Blankets keep you warm at night and the same concept applies to your water heater. Your water heater is a “warm body” that’ll keep its temperature better when it’s well insulated. Purchasing an insulation blanket will help your water heater maintain a consistent internal temperature so it doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your home supplied with hot water.

3. Turn the Faucet Off Between Tasks

The EPA estimates that the average US home uses 300 gallons of water PER DAY! It’s amazing how much water you can save by turning off the faucet when you’re not directly using it. For example, switch the faucet off when you’re brushing your teeth, rinsing dishes, and even when you’re washing your hands. It’s estimated that the average US home can save up to 8 gallons of water every day this way. 

4. A Long Bath is Better Than a Long Shower

If you’ve ever wondered if a shower or a bath uses more water, it depends on how long you shower. Depending on the showerhead, a shower that’s under 10 minutes will use approximately 25–40 gallons of water. A full bathtub requires about 60 gallons of water. Showers that last longer than 15 minutes are the real water hogs, and at that point, a bath is preferable when it comes to water usage.

5. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances & Fixtures

Speaking of showerheads, switching out those as well as faucets is a relatively inexpensive and convenient way to save water around your home. This is a fairly easy DIY job. If you really want to tackle water waste, consider hiring a professional plumber to replace your toilets with low-flow models. The EPA estimates that you can save $110 per year, savings that’ll add up over time, allowing you to easily recoup the cost of replacement. 

Contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling today for help with your plumbing!

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