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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Signs That You Need Heating Repairs

While our winter weather here in South Carolina certainly pales in intensity when compared to areas like the Northeast or the Midwest, there is still a lot of chilly weather to contend with. As our temperatures hover around in the fifties during the day, and drop down to the thirties at night, it is obvious that you are going to rely on your home heating system in order to live in the warmth and comfort that you deserve. If you hope to do so reliably, you cannot afford to ignore any signs of trouble with your heating system. Prompt heating repairs in Columbia, SC are always in your best interest when something goes wrong.

Soaring Heating Costs

You must pay to heat your home. Fuel and electricity don’t come for free, after all. However, if you notice an inexplicable spike in the costs associated with doing so, then there is likely a problem with your heating system. Perhaps your burner is not working efficiently, or your thermostat is malfunctioning. There are a number of potential causes, but leave that to us. What you need to know is that this can signal a serious heating problem.

Cold Spots

Have you noticed that certain areas of your home just are not as warm and comfortable as others? This too should raise a red flag. Again, there are a number of reasons as to why you may encounter this problem. Perhaps your ductwork is compromised, or there is a problem with the fan in your furnace. Don’t convince yourself that uneven heating is normal. It’s not, and you deserve better than that.

Loud Sounds

Your heater is going to make some noise as it heats your home. If it starts to make unfamiliar sounds, though, or if its normal operation sounds are getting louder and louder, contact us right away. This could mean that you have an issue with kettling in your boiler, or that your gas furnace is not heating up quickly enough, leading to delayed ignition.

Whatever heating repairs you may need, Fulmer Heating & Cooling is the company to call.

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