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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Have You Scheduled Your AC Tune-Up Yet? Now’s the Time

AC-tools-on-topSpring is ending and we’re steadily marching into summer. That doesn’t mean that it’s too late to schedule an air conditioning maintenance appointment though! Sure, it’s always ideal to have your maintenance services rendered in the spring when it comes to your AC but that doesn’t mean you should just ditch the idea of maintenance altogether. It’s not too late to call up our professional team great HVAC services in Irmo, SC. We have more than 30 years of experience in the HVAC industry. We can keep your home cool this summer!

Why an AC Tune-Up is Essential

Yep! You read that correctly. An air conditioning tune-up is essential if you want a comfortable, energy-efficient home this summer. Here’s why:

  • It Prevents Problems from Snowballing: Let’s say you’re taking a road trip to California. Would you just hop in your car without a care in the world and go? Chances are you’d at least get some gas first and get an oil change. If you were really trying to get your car in top shape you might even schedule an appointment with a mechanic for a deeper dive. You should apply this same type of mindset to your air conditioner too. You can think of summer as the road trip ahead for your air conditioner. Having a professional tune-up your AC allows them to get everything in order before you run your system throughout the summer. If you want to avoid repairs or a breakdown this service is essential.
  • It Saves You Money: A well-maintained air conditioning system is an efficient system and an efficient system saves you money. Inefficient air conditioners waste money because they have to work so much harder to cool your home. Air conditioners incur routine wear and tear over time. This wear and tear can have a negative impact on your efficiency levels if you let it go unchecked. Running an inefficient system eliminates all the hurdles ahead of your air conditioner and saves you money in the process.
  • It Extends Your Units Lifespan: You invested a lot of money into the purchase and installation of your air conditioning unit. It’s only wise to ensure that you care for this investment through maintenance. Your air conditioning unit will last a lot longer if you have a professional keep it in shape.

Our Maintenance Plan

Have you ever skipped out on maintenance simply because you forgot to call and schedule? If so, it’s a great idea to enroll in our preventative maintenance plan. Our membership includes:

  • Priority customer status
  • A transferrable agreement
  • A 15% discount on all repair services rendered
  • 2 precision tune-ups per year (one in preparation for summer and one in preparation for winter)

Our preventative maintenance plan will help you keep your system in top shape. We do a deep dive into your system to ensure that you get the best function possible.

Make sure your air conditioner is ready for summer with our maintenance services. Contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling today to schedule an appointment with our team of professionals.

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