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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

What Does HVAC Maintenance Entail?

man-on-couch-with-fanWhen it comes to keeping your heating and air conditioning systems in great working condition, there is nothing that can compare with routine HVAC maintenance. Your HVAC systems are going to be doing a lot of work over the course of the year, and that means that they must receive annual maintenance in order to address the general wear and tear that they accrue as a result. It is vital that you schedule this service with qualified Lexington, SC HVAC maintenance professionals.

There are a few maintenance tasks that you can handle on your own, including the changing of your air filter. By and large, however, routine maintenance is a job that only trained HVAC technicians can handle. It more complex than many people realize at first, and attempting to complete your own maintenance will, at best, leave you with a system that has not been tuned up properly. At worst, you may wind up doing damage to the equipment that you rely on.

A Tune-Up Is a Very Involved Process

Like we said, certain tasks such as changing your air filter and keeping the area around your outdoor AC unit clean and free of debris are important maintenance tasks that you can handle on your own. The bulk of the work is more complex, however, and may include the following.

  • Cleaning condenser/evaporator coils
  • Cleaning drain lines, pans, and condensate pumps, and treat them with algaecide tablets
  • Check flue draft
  • Check blower and fan motor bearings
  • Check refrigerant level
  • Inspect entire system for leaks
  • Double check 1” filters
  • Evaluate heat exchanger
  • Remove and clean burners as necessary
  • Inspect air ducts
  • Test defrost cycle/heat strips for proper function
  • Test thermostat responsiveness
  • Visually check wiring and electrical connections
  • Test all safety controls

The Benefits Are More Than Worth It!

When you ignore the maintenance needs of your HVAC systems, you are setting those systems up for failure.  It really is just as simple as that. A poorly maintained HVAC system will not function at the level of efficiency that it otherwise would. It will not operate as reliably as it should, and it won’t give you the heating and/or cooling experience that you deserve. The system will wind up costing you more money than it would if it were well-maintained, and chances are high that the system is going to break down sooner than it should.

If you don’t want to be overpaying for a lesser performance from your home heating and air conditioning systems, then we strongly recommend that you contact us today in order to sign up for our maintenance program. That makes handling your HVAC maintenance simple, allowing you to reap all of the benefits of professional HVAC maintenance with absolutely no hassle.

We employ some of the finest HVAC technicians in the industry, and we are more than happy to ensure that you are getting the very best performance that your heater and/or air conditioner has to offer. If you have any further questions regarding maintenance, feel free to give us a call.

Schedule your HVAC maintenance with Fulmer Heating & Cooling.

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