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Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog

When Replacing an HVAC System, Keep the Heat Pump in Mind

When last we posted here, we mentioned that geothermal systems are a great option to consider when it comes to a heating replacement. These systems allow you to enjoy both effective cooling and very efficient heating, offering you year round comfort with just one system. We should also note that a geothermal system is not right for everyone, though.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot take advantage of heat pump technology, of course. You may also choose to use an air-source heat pump in Irmo, SC. There are many benefits in doing so. Dial our number today if, after reading the following post, you have any questions.

While geothermal heat pumps are certainly very reliable and efficient, they also necessitate a pretty considerable installation process. The simple fact is that not everyone is going to own property that is ideal for the installation of such a system. If you want to use something similar to the basic setup of your central cooling system, you can forgo the installation of the geothermal loop by instead opting for an air-source heat pump.

It is true that the air temperature definitely fluctuates more than the temperature below the ground. Because we don’t have subzero temperatures during our winter season in this part of the country, though, this is not as big of a concern as it may be in, say, the northeastern states. Even if we did, modern heat pump technology makes air-source heat pumps much more effective than they used to be in very cold climates.

The geothermal system is going to maintain some benefits, not the least of which is very long equipment life. If you have a relatively small property, if your soil makeup is not ideal for the installation of the loop, or you just don’t want to go through the geothermal installation process, which is a bit more involved than installing an air-source heat pump, count on us to help you get the most from the system that you do choose. Whatever type of heat pump you decide upon — air-source, ductless, or geothermal — our technicians will make sure that you get the best performance that it has to offer.

Fulmer Heating & Cooling will help you to live comfortably all year long.


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